why we give … a finance conversation


All Saints is funded primarily through the generosity of it’s community. This funding enables both our existence together as family, and our work of mission and ministry in Worcester. Giving financially to our local church is a biblical expression of our commitment to one another and this open-handed way is a substantial part of the radical lifestyle that Jesus invites us into.


Before the arrival of Jesus, the bible teaches us that the people of God were called to give away 10% of their wealth. But then, as with many things, Jesus came and taught a more radical vision with further-reaching possibilities for generosity and life together. Hence we don’t provide a rule in this – preferring instead to go with what Paul writes, “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor 10.2) – yet always mindful that the general direction of travel that the Spirit is leading us in will be to go beyond the old steady requirements. Sounds scary? Well sacrificial giving suggests that it might actually be genuinely costly in meaningful ways, but the secret surprise is that this is the territory of freedom and fullness of joy. Try it.


If you are a UK taxpayer, for every £1 you give to us, we are able to reclaim 25p of tax. To register for this option, which makes a massive difference to us, simply follow the instructions when you give online, or complete a gift aid form here. (find out more about gift aid from the government here)


The ongoing significant financial investment (£2.2m spread out over 5 years) into All Saints by the Church Commissioners of the Church of England to enable us be a “resourcing church” is largely separate from our existing finances as a church. The additional funds are specifically focused to enable additional ministry, with conditions on where the funding is to be allocated – as such they rest on top of normal church running expenses that it is assumed we continue to meet. Much of the financial investment is to be spent on the training and placements of curates along with assisting with set up costs for their subsequent church plants. This is administrated centrally in partnership with the Worcester Diocese. There is also a portion of funding that is allocated for additional staff positions such as our Worship Director, (which tapers off and ends in 2025) to help us scale our work or consolidate it. So this is actually a moment to raise our financial game, not to get complacent as we will need to finance these roles ourselves beyond 2025. The final portion of funds consists of a £500,000 injection of investment into the improvement of our two church buildings to help us make them fit for purpose. The fruit of this money has allowed us to remove the pews, upgrade the sound desk and install a servery at All Saints back in 2020, which has made the space a much more flexible and was integral to our operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The remainder of these funds has been allocated to the St Helen’s project that commenced in October 2022 to make huge improvements to the church. We are unable to use this amount for much of our general maintenance and repair, so the funding for these other projects needs to be sought from other sources such as community fund raising and securing grants.


Yes and yes. Our accounts are independently audited and regulated by the Charity Commission. They are published annually around the time of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) - usually late March or early April. To arrange to view them, and for any other queries please email our church treasurer at: treasurer@allsaintsworcester.org.uk