pastoral care

On the broadest scale, our pastoral care sits within God's mission to reconcile the world to himself. Our care for one another flows from the commitment to love one another because we ourselves are first loved by God. It's about being a reflection of God's desire to bring healing and wholeness. It's about developing quality relationships and enabling one another to recognise, follow and become more like Jesus.

We have a Pastoral Care Team which is made up of the following: Rev James Ellin, Rev Jess Fellows, Rev Fraser Oates, Rev Jamie Klair, Jenny Garrett and Pete Barton. James leads this team.

How to access pastoral care

Our Life Groups are communities of care and support. Speaking to your Life Group leader is a primary access point. You can also email or phone 07399 219135 and one of the Pastoral Care Team will be able to help make sure the appropriate support can be accessed.

What are some of the things pastoral care can help with?

We are glad to arrange a variety of care and support during times of need: e.g. hospital visits, communion for the housebound, transport to church, meal rotas, cutting the grass.

We also have several trained Pastoral Care Listeners: if you need to talk through a worry, something God is nudging you about, a decision you need to make, something you are angry about or a relationship issue.  You can be assured that all discussions will be kept confidential unless there is a risk of potential harm to you or another person.