Men’s Groups - Men Together
Men Together is our midweek ministry for men, and provides a space for men of all ages to come together to grow in faith and friendship.
We are a group of Christian men who are keen to build relationships as we explore the big questions of life. Our purpose is to support one another in the personal, practical and spiritual matters of daily living and the part we each play in the wider community.
We meet together once a month within hub activity groups and at other times of the year for social activities as a whole group.
Our hub activity groups are smaller groups which allow for more personal and real relationships to develop. These are times when those involved can be more creative with regard to content but the primary aim is to get to know one another better. Meeting times are coordinated by each group leader who also has a pastoral responsibility for those in their group.
If you would like more information please email us here.
Leader: Dave Christmas
See our key dates and events page for upcoming events