Safeguarding, safer recruitment and complaints procedure


The safeguarding policy for All Saints Worcester (The PCC Of The Ecclesiastical Parish Of St Nicholas & All Saint's Worcester with St Helen’s) is available here, in which we subscribe to the Diocese of Worcester and Church of England policies that can be found here.

If you have any concerns, or else suspicions or knowledge of potential mistreatment, abuse, harassment or bullying, they must be responded to without delay.

All queries and concerns can be directed to a member of our clergy (found on the staff team page) or our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Sue Price. Email: or access our digital safeguarding incident form. Emails and forms submitted are kept in the strictest confidence and will be acted upon swiftly and as required in line with our policies with due care.

If you would prefer to speak to someone outside of the All Saints team then the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor is Hilary Higton on 07495 060869. For information on safeguarding within the diocese along with their team, please see the diocese safeguarding website here.

If you think that someone is at immediate risk of serious harm you must contact the police on 999. For non-urgent police enquiries use 101.

Safer recruitment

All voluntary and paid roles within the life of the church community require an application form to be completed and two references to be taken up. All voluntary and paid positions working with children and vulnerable adults require a DBS-check to the appropriate level and ongoing safeguarding training to be completed for as long as being in position.

Complaints procedure

In any community, from time to time, problems occur. Human brokenness plays out resulting in upset and pain. Given this reality, we want our church community to be safe, sensitive, and skilled at finding resolution and reconciliation. Access our resolution and reconciliation procedure document here.