Community Notice Board
This online notice board is to help publicise anything extra that is happening or might be of interest in the local area, as well as in All Saints and St Helen’s church buildings. There may also be notices of items or other things on offer.
Please note: All Saints holds no responsibility to the accuracy of information agreed to be publicised here for items or events organised by external groups.
The core dates and events in the church calendar can be found here
Reel Deal is a once-a-month event combining film, live music, and reflections on the themes of the film in light of how Christians make sense of the world. Every 2nd Friday from January through to March, 7.30pm at St Helen’s. Invite your friends, colleagues and family!
St Peter’s Baptist Church is running The Bereavement Journey again this year. It’s open to anyone affected by bereavement. See all the relevant details above.