

“Adventurers”, our Children’s Church, meets every Sunday morning. A typical Adventurers gathering begins at 10am at All Saints, where we worship with the wider church and then walk over to our St Helen’s building for worship, games, teaching, prayer, craft and fun!

We have specific programmes for different ages. During an Adventurers session we break out into age-specific groups for discussion or play.

Scramblers - 0-2 yrs, Explorers - 3-5 yrs, Discovers - 5-7 yrs, Trailblazers - 7-10 yrs.

Some Sundays we do things differently as Adventurers and at points in the year, join with the wider church for whole church celebrations.

Leader: Annabel Wade (

S U M M E R 2 0 2 4

07/04 - Breakfast on the Beach
14/04 - The Ascension
21/04 - Adventurers Family Gathering - The Spirit Comes
28/04 - The Power of the Spirit

05/05 - The Big Family of God
12/05 - Bigger and Bigger
19/05 - Whole Church Celebration
26/05 - Stephen is Killed

02/06 - Chosen and Changed
09/06 - The Big Weekend - Paul’s Missionary Journey
16/06 - Father’s Day
23/06 - Prison Praise
30/06 - Shipwrecked

07/07 - All around the world / Youth Taster Day for Year 5's
14/07 - Sunday Sports Day

S U M M E R H O L I D A Y S 2 0 2 4

21/07 - Whole Church Gathering
28/07 - No Adventurers

04/08 - Prayer Stations
11/08 - Games and Craft Morning
18/08 - Song Writing with Phil Wade, our Worship Director (the youth will be joining us too)
25/08 - Film Morning - Inside Out (9:30am - 11:30am)

01/09 - Whole Church Celebration

Parents will NEED to stay with their child(ren), as our Adventurers team are having a well deserved break over the summer.

The Scramblers cabin will be open for parents to take their under 3's, as there will be NO team as mentioned above.


holiday club 2024

We are SO excited for our I Am More Holiday Club, based around the movie Inside Out, for children aged 4-10yrs.

Throughout the week we will be exploring the theme I am more because of Jesus. There will be games, craft, singing, short talks, movie clips, refreshments, fun and lots lots more! 

Tickets are £3 per day, 9am-12pm or £10 for Tuesday-Friday, 9am-12pm. The holiday club is followed by a church gathering on Sunday 1st September, starting at 10am, to round off the week.

Do contact Annabel Wade ( if the cost of joining us would be a barrier to you.

If you would like to gift a ticket to a child aged 4-10yrs, you can select this ticket option below.

Please sign up by Friday 16th August 2024. 

We are looking forward to seeing your child(ren) there!


book recommendations


mainly music

Mainly Music is a fun midweek music group (meeting on Tuesday mornings) for parents and caregivers to enjoy together with their preschool children. It’s an opportunity for adults and children to build memories and spend quality time together.

Mainly Music aids the development of preschool children through the use of music, rhythm and rhyme. It provides children with a structured environment and free play, and gives parents the chance to enjoy each other's company. 

Leader: Annabel Wade (