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Details of our Sunday gatherings are here.
This Week and Next
Weeks commencing 17th and 24th February
Sunday 23rd February - Connect lunch for newcomers, 12.30pm, home address in WR2 (more info and sign up here)
Tuesday 25th February - Mainly Music, 10am, SH
Deeper Bible study for women, 10.30am, Flyford Flavell (email Annelise here for more info)
Alpha course, 7pm, SH
Wednesday 26th February - Revive women’s group, 10am, SH
Friday 28th February - Artpsace and Warm Space, 10am-2pm, SH
To find out what’s happening on Sundays, click here.
Coming Up
Monday 3rd March - Prayer for the persecuted church, 8pm, Zoom (email us here for the login details)
Wednesday 5th March - Hungry prayer and worship on Ash Wednesday, 7.45pm, SH
Thursday 6th March - Commune reflective worship with communion, 10.30am, SH
Venue key: All Saints (AS), Church Office on Fish Street (CO), St Helen’s Church (SH)
Key Dates 2025
Weekly in term time
Tuesdays // 10am - Mainly Music, 10am, Deeper Women’s Bible Study (Flyford Flavell)
Wednesdays // 10am - Revive (women’s group), 7.30pm - Worship Team practice
Thursdays // 10:30am - Commune (1st & 3rd Thursday of the month)
Fridays // 10am - Artspace & at St Helen’s open to the public
Various in person and Zoom prayer groups. For details click here.
4th - Alpha, 7pm, SH
7th - Pub Quiz Church Social, 7.30pm, SH
11th - Alpha, 7pm, SH
12th - Hungry - IJM Pray For Justice Tour, 7.45pm, SH
14th - Reel Deal film evening, 7.30pm, SH
23rd - Youth Takeover in 10am gathering, AS
23rd - Connect Lunch for newcomers, 12.30pm, home address in WR2 (more info and sign up here)
23rd - Baptisms at 6pm gathering, SH
25th - Alpha, 7pm, SH
25th-27th - New Wine Leadership Conference, Harrogate
4th - Alpha, 7pm, SH
5th - Hungry prayer and worship - Ash Wednesday, 7.45pm, SH
12th - Hungry prayer and worship, 7.45pm, SH
14th - Reel Deal film evening, 7.30pm, SH
15th - Alpha Away Day
16th - Family Gathering, 10am, SH
18th - Alpha, 7pm, SH
19th - Hungry prayer and worship, 7.45pm, SH
26th - Hungry prayer and worship, 7.45pm, SH
2nd - Hungry prayer and worship, 7.45pm, SH
5th - Retreat Day
9th - Hungry prayer and worship, 7.45pm, SH
17th - Maundy Thursday
18th - Good Friday
20th - Easter celebration with baptisms, 10am, AS (no 6pm gathering at SH)
27th - Vision Sunday with APCM Lunch
Venue key: AS = All Saints, CO = Church Office on Fish Street, SH = St Helen’s Church (SH)