mission partners

The Church exists by mission just as fire exists by burning. Where there is no mission there is no Church; and where there is neither Church nor mission, there is no faith” Emil Brunner [Word & World 1931]

Mission is the sending of people to proclaim the Good News in word and deed, following after the sending of God’s Son and Spirit. As we seek to journey with this sending God, our mission partners help quicken our hearts to go out to meet Him. We partner in mission also so that God’s kingdom of righteousness might extend beyond what we at All Saints Worcester can do by ourselves. 

Our ten mission partners are local to Worcester, are nationally-located in England, and are spread across the world. We spotlight one each month from September through to June. 

For 2024-2025, these are our mission partners:

05 Adventure + - a national partner that helps children and young people reach their potential
06 Fusion - a national partner to connect students to local churches they can call home

09 Street Pastors - a local partner demonstrating love by keeping people safe on Worcester’s streets
10 LIV - an international partner in South Africa giving a home environment to orphans
11 Chapel House - a local partner hosting retreats and offering hospitality
12 Maggs Day Centre - a local partner that supports the homeless and vulnerable in Worcestershire

01 CPAS - a national partner that equips its partner churches to develop a faith-sharing culture
02 Tearfund - an international partner seeking to end extreme poverty through the work of the local church
03 Stretton-Downes - an international partner with SIM training Liberia’s next generation of dentists
04 IJM - an international partner protecting those at risk from trafficking, slavery and violence

For the latest updates on our mission partners month by month, listen out for them at our fourth Sunday gathering of each month, and read the most recent eNews Extra.

If you’ve got any questions or suggestions, email Jamie and the Mission Partner team here.