Prayer at All Saints

We are committed to nurturing a culture of prayer throughout the church that both helps us all commit to a life of prayer and be equipped to do so.


Sundays // Prayer for the Sunday gatherings // 9am at All Saints.

Mondays // Prayer for Ukraine - email us here for more information.


We have a number of prayer groups that meet during the week to pray together for the world, the church and people. Some have a specific focus and others will pray as they are led by the Spirit. Here is the current pattern for weekly groups:

Mondays // Prayer for the Foodbank // 9-9:30am

Thursdays // Early Morning Prayer Group // 7-7:40am

We also have some groups that meet once a month:

First Monday of the month // Prayer for the Persecuted Church // 8pm

First Tuesday of the month // Parenting Prayer and Encouragement - a group specifically for parents and carers of Adventurers and Scramblers parents (contact Annabel for more information) // 8-8:40pm

To join a group or find our more please email us here.


Once a month we gather together to seek God’s presence, listen to the Spirit, minister to one another and pray for a fresh move of God in these days.

Our dates for the 2024 summer term are:

Wednesday 10th April // 7:45pm // St Helen’s

Wednesday 1st May // 7:45pm // St Helen’s

Wednesday 5th June // 7:45pm // St Helen’s

Wednesday 3rd July // 7:45pm // St Helen’s


We organise 24:3 prayer weekends once per term. Our most recent prayer weekend was 10th-12th May.

These weekends are an extended opportunity to lift our hearts and voices in prayer as a church and respond to God’s invitation to go deeper in conversation and communion with him.

We ask members of our church community to sign up for a prayer slot over the weekend and commit that time to pray. You can sign up for more than one slot. We encourage people pray individually and meet in groups to pray together. You can be as creative as you like in how you do this.

Use the time to pray into an area of the life of the church (i.e., youth, children, Foodbank, Alpha, ASW leadership and staff team, anything that’s on your heart for the All Saints community) or make time to pray for one another, your neighbours, our city, and the people and places across the world that so need Jesus.

Throughout the year, we’d love to hear about what you’ve been praying for and how God has been speaking to you! Share this with us by emailing

If you have personal prayer requests, you can share these confidentially by emailing