🌟 eNews Extra 🌟


In January 2024 I was licensed as Associate Vicar / Student & 20’s missioner. This is the first role that the Diocese of Worcester have funded specifically for student & 20s mission! How exciting is that? The new role is centred around mission to the age demographic of 18-30. There are 1000’s of people in this age demographic in Worcester that have never been invited to church or told about the good news of Jesus. I feel passionately about sharing Jesus with these people… because they are hungry for God and more open to Him than we realise.

Can I tell you a story about Meg?

Meg is a first-year student that came to University in September. Meg knew and loved Jesus before, but her faith came alive at Uni. She found a home at All Saints and quickly got stuck in and became part of our student group. She encountered the Holy Spirit in new ways and her faith has grown so much this year. So much so, that her housemates spotted something different about her and began asking questions. Meg described a deep love for Jesus and decided to get baptised at the 6pm gathering. One of the housemates she invited along was Tallie.

Can I tell you a story about Tallie?

Tallie came to University in September. The University of Worcester was actually her second choice, but she felt like this was the place she needed to be. Tallie moves in to the same flat as Meg and they become great friends. The closer the two of them get, the more Meg shares her faith. One Sunday afternoon, Meg invites Tallie to come to church with her. She agrees to go along, and little did she know everything would change for her. Tallie encountered Jesus. She kept coming to the 6pm gathering and began praying and reading the bible with Meg at home. She describes feeling a peace she had never encountered before. The following week she is filled with the Holy Spirit for the first time and her life is totally changed! She said “I can’t believe how good Jesus is. Why didn’t someone tell me this before?”

These stories make me so excited for what God wants to do in this generation. We are seeing a longing and a hunger in Gen Z that we haven’t seen before. Students are more spiritually open and wanting to ask questions about life, faith and Jesus.

The other thing to keep you updated on has been my latest venture on TikTok. In January I began to share videos on there about faith, life as a vicar and silent discos! This has been a huge source of encouragement as my videos began to land on different people’s screens. I have connected with numerous people who are open and asking questions about faith. Many wanting to read the bible but not knowing where to start.

Recently one of the people who follow me on there has started to come to All Saints because they felt a pull towards God and then stumbled across my videos. They have since been reading the bible every day and coming along to church each week. Hungry to discover more about Jesus.

If you have TikTok and want to follow along then find me at: @rev.jess

People in their 20’s are way more open to faith than we might first realise. Roughly 70% of students said they would come to church if they were invited! We’re also seeing numerous stories of young adults feeling that draw towards Jesus out of nowhere. These are exciting times! 

I would love your continued prayer for this ministry. As we begin to see an awakening in this generation, pray for more to seek and find Jesus. Pray for safe spaces where discipleship can happen. Pray for workers because the harvest is plentiful. Pray for open doors and open hearts. I believe now more than ever that God is going to move powerfully in our midst, and I pray Gen Z lead the way.

Jess Fellows 

Baptisms at

the 6pm!