
Confirmation is an opportunity for older children, teenagers and others who were baptised as children to confirm their faith publicly and for themselves.  It marks the point in the Christian journey at which you affirm for yourself the faith into which you were baptised as an infant and your intention to live a life of committed discipleship. This affirmation is confirmed through prayer and the laying on of hands by the confirming bishop. The Church also asks God to give you power through the Holy Spirit to enable you to live in the way of Jesus.

Whilst not in any way obligatory, it can be a really helpful moment and marker on a journey of discipleship, particularly for older children and teenagers.  It’s also a way of declaring a commitment to the wider church of which we are part.  Anyone can be confirmed but you must have been previously baptised.

Those in All Saints wishing to be confirmed are encouraged to participate in one of the Diocesan confirmation services in Worcester Cathedral led by one of the Bishops during which people are presented by the Vicar or Curate.  These are special occasions and a powerful way of experiencing that we are part of both the Diocese of Worcester and the global church.

Some confirmation preparation is required, which we make sure is helpful, fun and engaging!

For further details on confirmation and to register for the next confirmation service, please email the Office