Discover your pathway to God
We’re all created with unique personalities, and we connect with God in ways that reflect who we are. This scorecard is designed to help you discover a pathway that feels like a natural fit for you—a way to deepen your connection with God that’s in tune with how you’re wired.
Think of it as a starting point, not a complete picture. You may find one pathway resonates deeply, or that several ways of connecting feel right at different times. Whatever the case, our hope is that these insights encourage you to try out new practices, explore new ways of seeing and experiencing God’s presence, and find fresh meaning in your spiritual journey. You may even uncover new ways to experience God in your everyday life that you haven’t thought of before.
Before you start
Read Each Statement: Take your time with each statement and think about how it feels for you. There are no right or wrong answers—this is simply about what feels natural to you.
Rate How True Each Statement Feels: For each statement, choose a score from 1 to 5. A score of 1 means “Not true for me at all,” and a score of 5 means “Very true for me.” Pick the number that best matches how you feel about the statement.
Be Honest: This scorecard is about discovering a pathway that feels authentic for you, so answer honestly rather than trying to pick what seems “right.”
Review Your Top Pathway: At the end, your scorecard will show the pathway that scored the highest. This top pathway suggests a way of connecting with God that may be especially meaningful for you.
Explore the Reflection Questions: After seeing your top pathway, take a look at the description and the reflection questions. These are designed to help you start exploring new ways to connect with God in everyday life.